miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014


I got it
Life is difficult
I speak with The  Big Boss Wiki Wiki
(The name I give to God... God is too majestic for me, at least that is my idea
I can't talk to a Being not human... I want to talk with someone more nearly.
Perhaps is presumptuous but this merely human need it.)
I was asking myself about the different paths that
I could take in one or other moment in my life...
Usually we say "this is a mistake" If I wasn't... But today I don't want.
My only desire is say "Tomorrow it will be only a memory"
One step more in the way to my heaven....
And in my chat with the Wiki Wiki smile and feel blowing
the hope in my soul or perhaps The Certainty.
I ask myself if today I'm like this because, by now. people has deceived me too much
and I say, by now, because I hope we change.