lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2015

dudar doubt

levantarse cada día y seguir un monótono ritmo
puede llevarte a replantear el fin de tus desiciones.
Y en mayor medida el camino que has tomado para llegar a este.
Vámos un esfuerzo más! Y tal vez veas
el principio del final...
Me pregunto si... No, es más apropiado decir ME cuestiono si...
A cada paso que doy no estaré errando,
cavando en lo profundo de mi propio infortunio.
Sólo el preciado tiempo lo dirá.

Mi anhelo es que cada día
llegue a tu puerta
un poquito de felicidad.
Mi deseo, lo sé,
podrías pensar
designa a la vez
dicha y tristeza.
incluso, que
ésta felicidad
nunca será plena;
Sin embargo
no estarás triste.
Al levantarte cada mañana
tendrás la certeza.
la Buenaventura
estará a mi vera
Asi pues sea.

domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015


This hand so dried.
so hard to be loved.
This voice so tired.
so high and low, void, annoyed.

This ear doesn't want
keeping the soul in pain.
be a quiet, desertic land.
don't sent your tears in vain

I ask myself if ... some day I'll find my empty mind
full with a world of nothing but all.
It seems ridiculous while it is humongous.

viernes, 12 de junio de 2015

I am still here. Almost a year later.
Now in my own home. So happy.
I change my job it is incredible! I'm working a McDonald's! In Spain it was a crazy idea but here is a mega crazy! Cause I don't know speak or understand well.
Don't matter that:
The difficulties learning a new work.
To guess. what are the people saying. Or praying for... Don't make the same mistake twice!
I found good people who teach me again and again... With immeasurable patience. Hard workers and good partners.

I ask myself if someday I will be a good teacher for others, in this or other place.

No dejes tus lagrimas caer
Por aquello que no lo merece.
Ellas como la lluvia
Bendicen el suelo que tocan.

Sonreir a la adversidad
Hiere sus intenciones
Obsequia alegria ruborizada
faz serena dulces expresiones.

sábado, 24 de enero de 2015

NO poem ONLY words

there is nobody  by himself
there is nothing  by itself
you say
you think
you breath
I am alive

Give me one answer
I had asked everyday
so many times, so many things
I'm losing my hope.

Long and dirty
dried eyes  are looking at me
I'll never see you again
sad expression
around the temple

lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

London Life

Six months after landing... I am still here
some days I wake up happy and optimistic
some days I try hide my head under my pillow
I don't want wake me up
Looking for a new life is a path with obstacles,
you can start a right way but usually you will need a
zigzag  movement to arrive at the end or at least
to reach the base camp...
In this movement I have lived so many things...

I saw a fox in the backyard and stay like stone
in front of his eyes for a second an eternity
He look at me, there is no fear, no rage
he is only examining  I'm not interesting
and I am still delighted with the only second that I saw him.

I missed when I was returning home... No speaking English
and with my telephone dead, oh yeah I and my 37 years
were near to cry but a lovely sir stopped by my side and explained
again and again how to arrive to the train station after the
bus driver left me near the station's street (no stop area).
I so grateful because: They helped me and gave me another reason
to learn English more and more fast.

Well, like this there are more things.
Some days sad some days happy.
and  how you can see I am learning a little more every day.
understanding, speaking and of course writing.

There is not Shakespeare in my letters but I ask myself if
some day I will be able to read it with out  a dictionary and
with a good comprehension.
